Stichting Groei!

[Translation: Foundation Grow!]

Location: Loosduinen
Loosduinse Hoofdstraat 565
2552 AE Den Haag


Function name 

Intern ChildCarer


Function description

As a intern at Stichting Groei! I was active as a child-companion, or playbuddy, as we called it. In this function I had clients from age 3 to 15 with ASD. Many of these clients had bonding or aggression disorders. As well as others.

Everyone working at Stichting Groei! did so following the CSL-method (Contact-oriented Learning and Playing). This method is best described as mirroring the client as well as giving him or her enough personal space. All guidance is one-client-one-buddy and is mostly very intensive. Mirroring creates a relationship of trust, which is mostly followed by them accepting and being able to copy and learn behaviour.

More information about this method can be read in the book 'Houvast' by Anneke Groot.